About the RockLady...
Jeanne Pietro (a.k.a. RockLady)
I have lived in Las Vegas, Nevada since June 2002 and am currently working at Computer Training Institute. I originally attended this school to improve and/or refresh certain skills and techniques needed for today's clerical positions thru Vocational Rehabilitation, because of a partially disabling, chronic condition called fibromyalgia. I did so well in the Microsoft applications that the owner and the administrator offered me a part time position as the assistant insrtuctor. I also continue to dabble in sign painting and pinstriping on the side and only take jobs that I am physically capable of doing alone. It is a toss-up as to which career I find most rewarding, seeing the look of satisfaction on someone's face after I have completed an art job for them-or seeing the look of satisfaction on a displaced or disabled worker's face after they have learned how to use a computer.
I have created art on many different surfaces, designed for almost any occasion, using OneShot lettering enamel, watercolor, acrylic, inks and different sculpting materials. From paper and vinyl banners for special events, to creating a special memory plaque for a lost pet.
I was formerly known as Jeanne Zaideman (also as Jeanne Bauer) and internationally known as a veteran sign artist and pinstriper, most recently in the Kustom Kulture genre. Moldy Marvin of RatFink.org has an article about my ex-husband and myself that I co-wrote before we were divorced several years ago, go to this link: www.ratfink.org/randyssigns/index.html
ABOVE: Pinstriping truck bed cover 2007
BELOW: Good Kitty portrait
Panel built from 1"x3" weathered pine. Stressed and stained, painted with acrylics and coated with matte acrylic clear to protect it from the weather.
I am no longer in the sign business full time, and now do my artwork as a paying hobby, using my talent to create unique gift items or custom lines and designs on vehicles for a select group of clients. The last page of this site shows photos of some of my past and recent work.
All work on this site is copyright protected, Jeanne Zaideman 1981-2002, Jeanne Bauer 2002-2006 and Jeanne Pietro 2006-present